Redeeming the Time

July 4, 2021
Sometimes it feels like we've got all the time in the world to get stuff done. That stuff that isn't an necessary to do right away, but would make an impact on others lives is often what gets put on the back burner of prioritizing. Hear some scriptural guidance of the importance of doing what God has planned for you and be determined to show Jesus through your words and actions.
Out of your heart will flow the the issues of your life (Proverbs 4:23), so it's pretty important to guard your heart and not allow anger, bitterness, or doubt to influence your faith and your life. Keep in God's Word constantly and think on those things that matter to Jesus.
Bitterness, blaming, anger, these are all things that will block you from a fulfilling life. Take in Pastor Julia's insights and personal stories about showing love, being joyful and being happy for others even when it doesn't 'feel' right. As Jesus said, "These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full (John 15:11)."
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