See Me ‘For Who He Really Is’

Colossians 4:5-6

In the 90’s there was a Christian song that was quite popular. The title of it was, “For Who He Really Is” and it was written and performed by Steven Curtis Chapman. I’m going to share some of the lyrics with you but encourage you to check it out on YouTube! (view one of the many videos of this song below; full lyrics in the description of the video, which you’ll be able to see if you click over to watch on Youtube)

“Will they see God for who He really is?
In what they see in you and me?
Will they see God for who He really is?
For who He really is
Is all they really need to see!”

It’s been a few years and those words have never left me. In my daily interactions with complete strangers what will they have seen in me?

It gives me pause. Have I always behaved flawlessly? Not so! But I’m not writing this ‘at’ you, I’m writing this to those of you reading this with the hopes that, like Paul wrote in his letter to the Colossians church, we too would allow ourselves to be admonished by what little bits of instruction is given in the Word of God.

“Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.” ~ ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭4:5 & 6 NLT

Truly, if our life becomes anything other than desiring to see the lost saved we’ve missed it!

Of course we need to look after our family, by working and doing those everyday chores. Naturally, we have to plan and shop and do whatever it takes to provide for their needs. Therefore it is in those everyday tasks that we seize opportunities and not pass them by.
Just live aware that there are those around you who don’t know Jesus and you may be that labourer…

For the only cause that counts!


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