Change Your Words, Change Your Circumstances

Let your words grow from Gods word

Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

This has been one of the easiest scriptures for my children to memorize! First of all, because it rhymes, and secondly because they’ve heard it quoted lots!

John and I have always been (or at least purpose to be) on their case when it came to what they are speaking! We wanted to be sure that they understood how ‘forcible right words’ are! We tried to explain to them that their words were comparable to living seed that produces after its own kind, or containers that will bring to them what they say!!

Our words can also be likened to thermometers, reflecting what we’re feeling, but actually they should be thermostats, setting the temperature! We have the ability – the God-given ability – to set the course of our life, to change our circumstances simply by our words! But is it our words?! No, in actuality it’s us speaking Gods Word that will be the game changer!

By our words we shall be justified and by our words we shall be condemned.
— Matthew 12:37

Read the verse before that (v36), and that should convince us to keep a guard over our mouth!

Be encouraged this week! We are standing with you and praying for you!

Julia Trotter
Jesus Is Lord!



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