Get a steady mix of faith, trust and God's Word in your life and you'll be more and more blessed! Be aware of what you are thinking on and what you are depending on so you don't focus on things that don't benefit. Be settled that God's Word is true - always and forever!
You can’t have fear and faith at the same time. So, when fear is creeping into your life you need only put your faith in God, His promises (all nicely recorded in His Word), and perfect love. Remember that God is love and perfect love casts out all fear! Fear comes in many forms and sometimes hides behind other words, but if you’ve stopped moving forward or you’re worried, or your angry, or maybe even just complacent then put on the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-19) and walk in love.
When you believe in and depend on God you don't have to fight in the natural. Fight with prayer, faith and following God's ways. He is long suffering and does not want anyone to be lost. He loves you just the way you are and wants to see you transformed into the best!
Faith is not based on how good you are but on how good God is. He is so good that He gave his one and only Son and made it that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life - and have a good life! So, base your faith on your dependence on God and see how God always sets you up to win.
What do you want other people to know you for? Your dislikes, your opinions, your judgments? Jesus said all men will know you are my disciples by your love for one another, so if we desire to follow Jesus we should want to be know for our love. This world doesn't make it easy, for sure, but we need to let the greater one inside of each of us reign over our words and actions, so we don't lose the compassion and love of God.
Every believer can receive God's promises; we can all be transformed in the inside and the outside, by believing we receive what God has said He's given us in His Word. Hear Pastor John share scripture and how to win in life by being a receiver.
Don’t make your outward life and appearance more important than your inward life. Knowing God and keeping your thoughts on His Word will carry you through every circumstance – the good and the bad. Hear Pastor John’s message where he shares what makes or breaks you and how the greater one is on the inside of you.
God's Word is filled with the promises he has made to you and you can choose to live on those promises when you read and think on His Word every day. The 'faith walk' sees the answer - the promises - and not the problems. Receive encouragement from Pastor John on how to talk in the right way to see the promises of God.
Take what God says and just believe it. When we go by what we feel and see life tends to be more difficult. Instead, we need to go by faith…
Be encouraged to take the Word of God and stand on it for all situations - forever. Jesus paid the price once and for all to give us the abundant…